
解離ートラウマの身体への刻印 23


 DSM-Ⅲから登場したPTSD post-traumatic stress disorder という疾患概念は通常「心的外傷後ストレス障害」と訳されている。いわば身体にではなく心のこうむった傷である。単純に考えれば、あるいは常識的には、身体への受傷は身体症状として、心への受傷は心的な症状を生むのであろう。ところが第1次大戦における「シェルショック」の概念はそのような常識とは異なっていた。1914年にこの概念が報告された際は、その身体症状が前景に立っていたこともあり(耳鳴り、頭痛、記憶障害、眩暈、震戦、音への過敏性、頭部外傷や毒物の影響によるものとされた)心的なトラウマが、身体症状を生むものと考えられた。
この件に関しては、しっかり文献から引用しなくてはならない。絶好の論文を見つけた。Jones EFear NTWessely S2007Shell shock and mild traumatic brain injury: a historical review. Am J Psychiatry. 164:1641-5.
 Mild traumatic brain injury is now claimed to be the signature injury of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. During World War I, shell shock came to occupy a similar position of prominence, and postconcussional syndrome assumed some importance in World War II. In this article, the nature of shell shock, its clinical presentation, the military context, hypotheses of causation, and issues of management are explored to discover whether there are contemporary relevancies to the current issue of mild traumatic brain injury. When shell shock was first postulated, it was assumed to be the product of a head injury or toxic exposure. However, subsequent clinical studies suggested that this view was too simplistic, and explanations soon oscillated between the strictly organic and the psychological as well as the behavioral. Despite a vigorous debate, physicians failed to identify or confirm characteristic distinctions. The experiences of the armed forces of both the United States and the United Kingdom during World Wars I and II led to two conclusions: that there were dangers in labeling anything as a unique "signature" injury and that disorders that cross any divide between physical and psychological require a nuanced view of their interpretation and treatment. These findings suggest that the hard-won lessons of shell shock continue to have relevance today.