
共感と解釈 書き直し ⑤ 大文字のD 書き直し ⑥

 これが最後の疑問である。治療が継続する大きな要因が、患者さんの居心地の良さであるとしたら、治療者はそれを提供することを第一に考えるべきであろうか? 私はそれを否定しないが、治療者が向かうべき問題はより大きなものである。それは来談者の人生の質(QOL)の向上に最善を尽くすことである。それがその時の来談者に安心感を提供したり、孤独を救うことを意味するのなら、それでいいのである。しかしその時に来談者が洞察を得ることが将来的なQOLの向上に役立つのであれば、それも大切なことである。(←提供モデルの基本理念である。) すると治療者がどのようなスキルや力を備えていることが、来談者のQOLの向上につながるのだろうか? おそらくそれは来談者の体験を的確に知る認知能力と共感能力、そして倫理観、愛他性ということになるだろうか。治療構造、精神分析の(相対的な意味での)基本原則はそれを最大限にするために用いるものである。

It has not been well recognized that Fairbairn’s theory of schizoid mechanism is practically that of splitting and dissociation. Fairbairn says, ”… it may be added that my own investigations of patients with hysterical symptoms leave me in no doubt whatever that the dissociation phenomena of ‘hysteria’ involve a split of the ego fundamentally identical with that which confers upon the term ‘schizoid’ its etymological significance”. p. 92(”Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality” Routledge, 1952 ) “So far as the manifestations of dual and multiple personality are concerned, their essentially schizoid nature may be inferred from a discreet study of the numerous cases described by Janet, William James, and Morton Prince.  … The personality of the hysteric invariably contains a schizoid factor in greater or lesser degree, however deeply this may be buried.(ibid, P5.)”
Although Fairbairn did not follow suit in neglecting the notion of dissociation as many of his contemporary analysts, his definition of schizoid phenomenon that he associated with dissociation is unfortunately too ambiguous. He states that there are three features of schizoid state, including omnipotence, isolation and detachment, and concern for inner reality, which did not include any nuance of mental functions being separated or “split” apart, as the original idea of dissociation and hypnoid state connoted. Fairbairn might have observed this schizoid phenomenon in various kinds of psychopathology, especially against the background of Bleuler’s proposal of “schizophrenia”, which also appeared to have not only psychotic features but also dissociative aspects. Although schizoid problem became one of the main focuses of the British object relations theory, it grew apart of the concept of dissociation. It was Guntrip who summarized the “schizoid problem” in the chapter 6 of his book (Guntrip, 1971).   
 “As Winicott stated, if the care of “good enough mother” was unavailable, a child splits off true, vulnerable self underneath false self. “ “ If an external defense of cold and emotionless intellectual person hides a vulnerable, greedy and fearful infantile self, it would eventually appear in the world of dreams and fantasy". 

Harry Guntrip (1971)  Psychoanalytic theory, therapy, and the self, Basic Books.