
解釈と共感 書き直し ④ 大文字のD 書き直し ⑤

1 自分の話を聞いてもらい、分かってもらえたという感覚を持つこと。
2 自分の体験に関して説明をしてもらうこと。
ただし私はここに「自分を知りたいから」を一般的な動機からすでに除外しておいてある。それはすでに前半で述べたからである。それ以外の理由を考えていただきたい。もちろんこの三つ以外にもあるかもしれないが、これら三つはおそらく最も重要な位置を占めるだろう。1.に関しては、人が自分という存在を認めてもらいたいという強烈な自己愛的な欲求と結びついている。私たちはどうして体験を人に話したいのか? 悩みを聞いてほしいのか? 何か面白い体験をした時に人に話したくなるのか? すべてがこの1に関係している。時にはこれだけで精神療法が成立しているのではないかと思うこともある。しかしそれだけではないだろう。
浅田真央さんが引退すると言うことで、ちょっと前にメディアでいろいろなシーンが流された。浅田選手を送り出すときの佐藤コーチ。何かを言っている。よく聞くと「メダルを取ることなんていいんだ。とにかく自分の演技をしなさい。これまでの自分を信じるんだ。」という言葉が聞こえた。真央ちゃんはそれを真剣に聞き、納得してリンクの中央に向かって滑り出していく。あの言葉は何だろう? 今流行の言葉で言うナラティブである。一つのまとまった意味。それは私たちに安心感を与える。それがないと不安でいられないのだろう。事前は、人生はまさにカオスのふちにある。何が起きるかわからない。本来はとても怖い世界であることを実は私たちは感覚的に知っている。そのときに一つでもそこに意味を見出すことで安心する。何となく体がだるい。何が自分に起きているのだろう? ふとのどの痛みに気がつく。熱も少しある。「そうか、風邪なんだ」と納得する。「おそらく風邪だろう」はそれより悪性の、場合によっては致命的な何かではなさそうだ、という安心感を与えるのだ。


Dissociation in the psychoanalytic context - after Freud

Fortunately, many of Freud’s immediate followers did not abide by Freud's rather negative attitude toward dissociation. Ferenczi, Fairbairn, Winnicott, among other people integrated the idea of dissociation in their theory, although their way of using the term is greatly different.
The first analyst who made the stance clearly different from Freud’s was Ferenczi, and his writing is worthy of close examination. In the 1930s, Ferenczi returned to the place where Freud conceived his trauma theory before he allegedly abandoned in1897. (Masson, The Assault on Truth (1984). In his 1933 paper, Ferenczi made clear that splitting of consciousness of the patients is due to the trauma in their childhood, basically echoing Breuer’s views. He stressed that as the trauma repeats itself, the process of splitting becomes even more complicated and different personalities are created along the process. (Ferenczi, S. (1933/1949 ).  Confusion of tongues between the adult and the child. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 30, 225-230.) 
  It is to note that “Confusion of Tangues” dealt with the issue of dissociation in a way that Freud would never approve of, as he loathed the notion of “hypnoid phenomenon” brought forward by Breuer. The following passage of Frenzci’s paper contains passages which indicate that he believed in the dissociative process in the sense that van der Hart would classify as (2) type. (underline added by Okano).  
   After that the patient started to do everything she was asked to do. We talk a good deal in analysis of regressions into the infantile, but we do not really believe to what great extent we are right; we talk a lot about the splitting of the personality, but do not seem sufficiently to appreciate the depth of these splits. If we keep up our cool, educational attitude even vis-à-vis an opisthotonic patient, we tear to shreds the last thread that connects him to us. The patient gone off into his trance is a child indeed who no longer reacts to intellectual explanations, only perhaps to maternal friendliness; without it he feels lonely and abandoned in his greatest need, i.e. in the same unbearable situation which at one time led to a splitting of his mind and eventually to his illness; thus it is no wonder that the patient cannot but repeat now the symptom-formation exactly as he did at the time when his illness started.(p227). Sándor Ferenczi , 1949;Confusion of the Tongues Between the Adults and the Child—(The Language of Tenderness and of Passion).International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 30:225-230., underline added by Okano.
 His statement “The patient gone off into his trance is a child indeed” should be paid special attention. What Ferenczi practically meant was that the child has an agency in its own right, with his/her emotion, sensation and memory. That part shows “the concomitant development of a separate, split off, psychic organization, personality, or stream of consciousness”(van der Hart,2009).
In his paper, Ferenczi proposed his own idea about how this separate, split off, psychic organization or personality is formed. He mentions the notion of "identification of the aggressor" in order to give a theoretical background. This notion (hereafter abbreviated as “IWA”) is generally considered to have been introduced by Anna Freud (1936; Laplanche & Pontalis, 1974, p. 207), who included IWA as one of the defense mechanisms:Ferenczi’s notion predates that of Anna Freud, although his publication came much later in English.
 Exploring the early memories of his adult patients who had been abused as children, Ferenczi (1933) found evidence that children who are terrified by adults who are out of control will “subordinate themselves like automata to the will of the aggressor to divine each one of his desires and to gratify these; completely oblivious of themselves they identify themselves with the aggressor…. The weak and undeveloped personality reacts to sudden unpleasure not by defense, but by anxiety-ridden identification and by introjection of the menacing person or aggressor” (pp. 162-163, entire passage italicized in the original). The child “become[s] one” (p. 165) with the attacker. (p. 131)
Ferenczi distinguished mechanisms of identification and introjection, which are like two sides of a coin. Identification in Ferenczi’s use of the term means trying to feel what another person feels, essentially by getting into that other person’s head. In contrast, in introjection, one gets an image of someone into one’s own head.  
  It is to be argued that Frenczi’s notion of IWA is practically speaking dissociative process, where aggressive part of personality is formed with its agency (“automaton”).
”As a result of the identification with the aggressor, let us call it introjection, the aggressor disappears as external reality and becomes intrapsychic instead of extra-psychic; however, the intra-psychic is subject to the primary process in dreamlike state, as is the traumatic trance, that is, in accordance with the pleasure principle, it can be shaped and transformed into a positive as well as negative hallucination.”