



アブラム先生の発表のテーマは、「受胎告知 annunciation [ən`ʌnsiéɪʃən」です。受胎告知とは、大天使ガブリエルが聖母マリアにキリストを身ごもることを告げること、とされます。二月前、日本にいらした時、アブラム先生は、日本文化には、それに相当するものがあるのか、とお聞きになっていたのですが、私はあいにく答えることが出来ていません。ともかくも受胎告知はキリスト教の世界では非常に大きな意味を持つことが知られています。このテーマをアブラム先生は、精神分析の解釈と結び付けて理解しようとするのです。そして至った結論の一つとしては「解釈とは、結局は受胎告知であり、意味の創造である。」ということでした。
Dr.Abram presented a beautiful paper “the Psychoanalytic reflection on the annunciation- Winnicott’s Angels and Mannocci’s Clounds” Once Dr.Abram asked us if there is anything equivalent to “annunciation”, I could not come up with any. This annonciation means a lot in Christian world and Dr. Abram discusses this issue from a perspective of psychoanalysis, especially Winnicottian Psychoanalysis that he has special expertise in.To summarize her point, psychoanalytic interpretation is somewhat akin to, or equivalent to the annunciation.
How could these two, apparentaly distant phenomenon or notion can be related? Dr. Abram explains it using Winnicottian theory which primarily deal with not only therapist-child relationship, but the mother–child relationship.  


Dr.A mentions Winnicott’s maternal preoccpupation or devotion. Interpretation could be assimilated to mother’s understanding of baby’s yet-to be articulated or unformulated wish for milk. The wish is created, i.e. impregnated in the baby’s (Mary’s) mind. Here is the connection of annunciation and interpretation.
Dr.A also takes note of penumbra, or darkness of Mannocci’s picture and associates it to Tanizaki’s work of darkness. We are pretty much impressed by her wide knowledge and appreciation of our culture.
I will discuss some of the reflextions in response to her presentation. First of all, for us as Japanese, the idea of annunciation is not easy to grasp, as we are not familiar with the notion of communicating something verbally, in a direct way. A little bit a part from the issue of annunciation, we tend not to tell directly where the baby is from when a child asks the question. I remember my own experience, when my mother told me “when a couple is married and live together, the mother “naturally” conceives a baby, and when the time comes, mother’s body cuts open and a baby is born.” This is in a sense, “virgin birth”.
This gives us a fantasy that a baby is born totally bypasses a complicated and dirty matter of sexual intercourse, which is in a sense reassuring. Quite sometime ago, a famous actress is interviewed when she got married, whether she is wanting a baby, she replied. “I want to have a baby, in a form of egg.( I want to lay an egg instead of having sex????)”

さて私は「受胎告知とは解釈である」というアイデアにはおおむね賛成するものの、若干の異議を唱えたいと思います。大体天使ガブリエルほどに、治療者は真実を伝えたり、患者の運命を左右することが出来るのでしょうか?治療者はそれほどの偉大な存在なのでしょうか? ガブリエルはマリアが懐胎することを宿命として予言したのでしょう。しかし分析家はそれほどの確かさを持って患者の無意識を知ることが出来ないのです。
Now, I’m basically agreeing with Dr.A’s formulation that annunciation is analytic interpretation, but I also have a little bit different view. Does an analyst know and is capable of communication to the patient the truth and determine the destiny of the patient, just as angel Gabriel did to Mary? Are analysts that powerful? Gabriel might have communicated to Mary virgin pregnancy as a destiny, but analyst can only infer or imagine what the patient has in his/her unconscious.
If the analyst announces what the patient has in his/her unconscious with confidence, the patient might end up accepting it as a fact, in compliance, and creates it, in a form of false self in Winnicottian sense. Instead, the role of the analyst, I believe, is to tell the patient “you have a capacity to conceive. You can create whatever you want.I will accept it no matter what.”

In relation to this, Dr.A talks about receptivity of the patient to create an object. However, it is also important that the analyst (mother) has receptivity to anything the baby(patient) is about to create, because the baby (child) creates something for his/her mother , almost all the time.


Lastly, in relation to “penumbra” [pənˈʌmbrə], Dr.A negation to “too-much-light-explicit false-self world”. I totally agree with this view and I want further to add that creation of the meaning is an intuition which always occurs some time in between conscious-unconsious, liminal or critical area. That is penumbra, or “shadow” (Tanizaki) . penumbra also means nonverbal, ambiguous communication. Words or annunciation is explicit, but in our culture, we also value “A’un” or non-verbal understanding. (“Chemistry”) We might value a little bit more the beauty of silence, and this is partly where Tanizaki’s “In Praise of Shadows” comes from.