
「甘え」の英語化 8

5. Psychopathology of Amaé
甘えの関係性の含む病理に関しては、「甘やかしamayakashi」の議論が興味深い。「甘える」という動詞には、甘える相手の側の「甘えさせる」という動詞が対応するが、時には親の側が「甘えさせる」事を子供に一方的に押し付ける場合がある。それが「甘やかしamayakashi, spoiling」、である。長(2008)によれば、甘えとは「受動的であるとともに能動的」(岡野)な行動であるはずであるが、「甘やかし」は親の都合による一方的な押し付けである。子供は「甘える」際の能動性を失い、親の暗黙の要求を受動的に受け入れることになる。「子は自分で求めてはいなくとも、甘えを求める弱者の位置に座らされるだけで、無力なままに押しとどめられる()」 。甘やかす親は利己的であり、子供が自分の好きな方法で甘えてくる場合にはそれを受け入れるが、それ以外は拒絶する。子供は母親流の甘やかしを受け入れるための仮面を形成しなくてはいけない。これが偽りの自己false self の形成である。
As for the pathological manifestation of amaé-related relationship, the discussion of “Amayakashi” is of special interest. The verb “amaeru” (child’s demonstrating his amaé needs) corresponds to the verb “amaesaseru” (parent’s fulfilling the child’s amaé needs). However, there is another verb “amayakasu” that means “excessively fulfilling the person’s amaé needs”, practically equivalent to the Einglish word “(to) spoil”. Based on the study of Cho (2008) “amayakashi” (the noun form of the verb “amayakasu” is an act of imposing the parent’s amaé-demand onto the child. “The child loses his activity and succumb to the parent’s tacit need of amaé on to the child. The child then need to put up a façade to accept mother’s amayakasi (spoiling), thus creating the false self.
I would like to stress here the difference between “amaeru-amaesaseru” relationship and that of “amaeru-amayakasu”. In the latter relationship, the mother entices the child’s amaé-needs and take advantage of it. That mother typically has never experienced real amaé in her childhood and she does not know how to fulfill the child’s natural amaé-needs. The child ends up not experiencing the real amaé, thus being incorporated in a inter- generational transmission of faulty amaé (Cho).

As I stated, healthy mind reading is the basis for the amaé-based relationship, but in amayakashi-spoiling, there is a force exercised by a domineering mother.The mother might immediately buy whatever the child wants, while depriving him of his wish to act spontaneously. He might not afford to have a situation where he needs to handle his frustration and anxiety on his own. What is critical is the fact that it is the mother who experiences anxiety and capitalizes on the child’s amaé-needs to sooth it.
 もちろんこのような親の、ある種自己中心的な態度に対してそれを敏感に察知してそれを「ウザがる」子供はある意味では健全である。この研究を進める先生方の意見に相違して、甘やかす親からは、子供は大抵は甘えさせ部分のみを吸収して、それ以外の親の態度を棄却する。ところが時々不安の強い子供が現れ、「甘やかし」に「甘ったれ」ることで反応する。このような子供にとっては「甘やかす」親は渡りに船であろうが、実は子供にないことまで甘やかす親に「読まれ」てしまう。「あなたは一人でお買い物に行くのが、本当は不安なんでしょう? ママの助けが必要なんだよね。」そう言われた子供は「そうだったんだ、僕は不安で、ママの助けが必要なんだ」と「分かって」しまう。日本社会におけるマインドリーディングは、マインドインプランティング(心の植え付け)にもなってしまうのだ。
Perhaps a healthy child might feel the parents self-centered attitude abhorring and try to stay away from them. Contrary to what some of us expect, the child of spoiling parents might get away with whatever he needs from their parents and refuse to allow them to intrude upon his own world. However, if the child is also constitutionally anxiety-prone and insecure, he might respond to the spoiling mother in the way she expects him to do. If a mother tells him “you might be anxious and need my help”, he might be convinced so. Excessive mind-reading thus can be mind-implanting.

The society where one is not allowed to have his/her feeling
In my clinical practice, I often meet patients who say that they “cannot have a feeling of anger or frustration on their own.” There seems to be several different levels of this problem. In less pathological cases, they prioritize mother’s feeling while keeping his/her own feeling to him/herself. The daughter uses her own skin ego to read the mother’s mind and deal with it in a tactful way without her mother’s being aware of it. On a more pathological level, the mother urges her daughter to read her mind and cater to her needs and the daughter does so while sacrificing her own feeling. Her true feelings might get dissociated and are kept out of her awareness.
状況1 ネガティブな心の内容を否認したり秘密にすることを強要されること。
状況2 ネガティブな心の内容について語ることに対する恥の意識を持つ(植えつけられる)こと。
状況3 ネガティブな心の内容について責任感や罪悪感を持つ (植えつけられる) こと、である。」
This reminds me of what I have written in the past, regarding the mechanism of the negation of the pathology of dissociation. I argued in that paper that there may be many situations in which projection and externalization are prohibited, and the child needs to handle her feeling on his own. I believe the following three situations are most important:
Situation 1: An individual is forced to deny or keep secret certain negative mental contents.
Situation 2: An individual feels ashamed of discussing these negative mental contents with others.
Situation 3: An individual is made to feel responsible and guilty for having these negative mental contents.
I would like to show that these three situations are seen both in childhood sexual abuse that is typically reported in the United States, and in relational stress that is frequently seen among the Japanese. In childhood sexual abuse, the child is often forced to keep the abuse secret, and is told that she or he is responsible for colluding with the abuser. The abused child also finds it extremely shameful to discuss the abuse with others. Finkelhor et al. hinted that these circumstances form the essential part of trauma.6