
「甘え」の英語化 1




The Japanese culture and the way people interact among themselves have been described in various ways. They included “shame culture”(Benedict), Amaé-based society (Doi) etc. In their society, people tend to suppress their own feeling, show concerns and compassion for other people and avoid conflicts among themselves. Streets are tidy, and people line up in an orderly manner and wait patiently for their turn to get a taxi.
私はこのような特徴をかつて、対人間の敏感さと受け身性という観点から捉えたことがある(岡野、19942017)。しかし そこであまり触れられなかったのは、そのような日本社会において、人は特異なストレスにさらされ、それが様々な病理を生み出している可能性があるということである。この発表で、私はそのテーマについて、改めて、土居の「甘え」の概念との関連から論じたい。なぜなら「甘え」の概念は日本的なメンタリティのポジティブな面だけでなく、ネガティブな面を理解するためのヒントも与えてくれると考えられるからである。
The author once considered Japanese society from a point of view of their interpersonal sensitiveness and passivity (Okano, 1994, 2017) the issue that he has not touched on was the fact that Japanese people are experiencing a lot of stress in their relationship with others, and various types of psychopathology can be attributed to it. In this communication, I would like to discuss this topic from a stand point of the notion of amaé by Takeo Doi. Amaé-based mentalities can not only positive but also negative aspects of Japanese culture.  

As Doi did in his introduction of amaé theory, I would like to discuss my transcultural experience which motivated me to write this paper. When I returned to my home country, i.e. Japan, and got a job and started to work, there was one thing which impressed me deeply. As I requested to take a quarter of my annual leave day to go to my dental appointment and made that request for the human resource clerk, she said that she never heard of that type of request. After my curious inquiry, she let me know that in fact, no one really cared how many annual leave each employee still has, as no one uses it up. I then gradually noticed that there is an unwritten rule that working selflessly for the corporate is a virtue and the later they stay in their workplace, the better they look.