
報酬系 ①、 So called SP Revised (6)

 報酬系についてダラダラと書いているうちに、もう27回にもなった。A415枚程度か? 自由連想をすることで少し形が見えてきた。今後は以下の項目に従って書いていこうと思う。夏までに一回目を書くことが出来るだろうか?その後は推敲である。

   報酬系は二本立てである ― フロイトの一次過程、二次過程
   報酬系の脳内基盤 ― その基本は探索システムである
   報酬系は倫理の上に先立つ ― サイコパスの病理
   報酬系から心を考える ― 思考やこだわりも一種の嗜癖である
   乗っ取られた報酬系 ― または嗜癖の病理
   機能を失った報酬系 - 境界パーソナリティ、または空虚さの病理
   ネットワークの繋がりと報酬系 - わかること、洞察を得ることの喜び
   報酬系理論が目指す人の在り方 ― ウィンウィン社会の実現に向けて

5. A depressive and self-destructive SP
Some SP has a distinct feature of depressive and pessimistic affect, which is very distinct from that of the host.
  D, a teenage girl with DID, who is usually optimistic and cheerful, becomes occasionally very low-keyed and suicidal. Her parents are oblivious of the nature of dissociative disorder that their daughter has, and are often bewildered by her sudden change of her mood. One day, when her pet hamster dies, D’s reaction was that of sadness and grief, but within an understandable degree. However, at that night, a depressive SP appears, laments the pet’s death, cries profusely, accusing herself of not having taken good care of the hamster and becomes pessimistic and even suicidal. D’s parents were reminded of the situation when D’s last psychiatric hospitalization occurred a couple of years ago, when D became seriously self-injurious, suicidal and threatened to jump off the window when her best friend became distant. (D was eventually committed to a local psychiatric ward, but that hospital stay lasted only a few days as she was not found suicidal and did not even remember her suicidal act, which precipitated the commitment.)  
So far, I described several types of SPs exemplified by these cases. These are;  SP asserting herself on behalf of the host, SP with a voice of her mother, SP in charge of expressing anger, a Competitive SP and a depressive SP. You might notice that each SP can take a variety of characteristics and features and no SP is identical to one another.
 I would like to class these SPs roughly into two kinds: one of being aggressive to the host, and the other being aggressive to other (in support of the host). Although this classification is rather ambiguous and arbitrary, it would be useful as we consider theoretically in the next chapter the way SPs are formed. SP aggressive to the host herself, and SP aggressive to others in support of the host.