
報酬系⑤, So called SP revised (12)

New York Times でこんな記事を読んだ。(SundayReview | OPINION
Can Nicotine Be Good for You? By ANNA FELSMARCH 5, 2016
ところでいろいろ調べているうちに、私は師匠ともいうべき人に出会った。Kent Berridge というミシガン大学の先生だ。私がまさに知りたいことを研究している。しかも彼のサイトに行けば情報の山・・・・。私は留学しないでも彼の知識を(その気になれば) ただで好きなだけ吸収できる。何という豊かな時代なんだ・・・・。信じられない。私はサバチカルを取ってアメリカに行かなくてもいいのだ(まあ、それも悪くないが…)

So called SP revised (12)
The rationale for handling SPs that meet these conditions is as follows. If a SP establishes some communications with the therapist, the aggressive nature of the SP can be gradually modified and “detoxified”, probably in a similar way that any traumatic memories are abreacted and become less salient through exposure therapy or EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). Although there can be many ways to explain neurologically how exposure technique would work (Myers & Davis, 2007), I would like to consider the curative process of dissociative cases from a standpoint of memory reconsolidation (Okano, 2015). SPs are parts of the personality that never had a chance to express its feeling. (As one of my patients aptly describes “it seems as though SPs are a group of people who are deprived of any chance to be honest and express themselves”.- a quotation form one of my patients that I discussed at the beginning of this paper). Through the experiences of expressing themselves, SP’s traumatic memories can be modified and reorganized, hopefully to a point where they would not recur spontaneously any more. This would be a state where the SPs become mostly dormant and becomes less likely to break into the patient’s daily life. 
Myers, KM and Davis, M: Mechanisms of fear extinction Molecular Psychiatry (2007) 12, 120–150, 2007
Okano, K.: Kairi Shinjidai (New Age of Dissociation) Iwasaki Gakujutsu Publishing. 2015
Clinical Example

I would like to discuss a case・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ teens.