
So called SP Revised (1) 報酬系 22

The origin of so-called “shadowy personalities” 
 in dissociative disorders
While treating those who have dissociative identity disorder, we quite often encounter a type of personality states with frequent display of aggressiveness and/or self-destructiveness. It typically shows difficulty in being identified or “located”, as their appearance is rather unpredictable and their name is often unknown. The patient (or his/her main personality, rather) states that unlike other parts of personality with their known identifying name and their respective profileshe/she does not have any first-hand knowledge about that type of personality state.
 In this paper, I would like to call this type of personalities “SP (shadowy personality)” as it is often the way the patients describe it, with an implication that it is not easy to grasp, and it often takes a form of just a shadow or grayish figure. Some patients literally call it a “shadow” or “shadow-like”, and others refer to them as dark or black figure, without clear countenance or facial expressions that they can perceive. 
Many patients with DID appear to distinguish SPs from other “ordinary” personality states. The latters usually have their names and distinct profiles, including name, age, memories and typical situations where they show up. Some personality assumes responsibility in his/her employment on a regular basis. Another personality appears in the evening and wants to play with his/her significant other. These personalities often communicate with each other and have “meetings” among them. They sometimes exchange or share information about the main personality’s daily living or salient past histories. However, SPs tend to be excluded from the circle and live on their own. Many of them are typically dormant and exhibit no indication about their presence.

One of my patients who is very adept at describing the nature of these SPs states as follows.
It seems As though SPs are a group of people who are deprived of any chance to be honest and express themselves. They tend to increase in number. They are so often put off expressing their anger, while other personalities have no “command program” for getting angy. It‘s so irritating to them. Oh, that’s why they don’t attend the “internal meeting”! Obviously they don’t find any meaning in attending it as they feel that they are excluded anyways. They don’t feel comfortable attending the meeting and disturbing its atmosphere, and they are not required to attend it anyways. Its like the character of “Faceless” in the anime “Spirited Away” by Hayao Miyazaki.


<合目的的行動> ← というより「動的快」の話

実は報酬系が生命体の進化に貢献した一番の仕組みは、この合目的行動自身が快感中枢を刺激するような装置の発生なのだろう。それにより生命体はseeking が可能となった。生まれたてのパンダの赤ちゃんは、まだ見かけは胎児そのものでおそらく目も全く見えていないにもかかわらず母親の乳房に向かう。匂いに導かれるのだろうか?一種のフェロモンか? ともかくも進化の過程で「乳房を探索するという習性がより強く発言する」子供が選択的に残っていったと考えられるだろう。おそらくこの探索の時期には、体を勝手に動かすことそれ自体が強い快感とあたえられるのだ。そしてその中で乳房を探り当てるという最後の行動は一番先に、実際に乳房を口にしたときの快を髣髴させることの快として動機付けられる。ここが決定的な瞬間である。
ここで一つの概念対が思い浮かんだ。動的快active pleasureと静的快static pleasure 。ただし前者の動的快は、以下に述べるように純粋の快ともいえないような代物だ。ミスノマーかもしれない。