断っておくが、この表題は意味不明である。「脳の宇宙」? 雰囲気、フンイキである。
「一卵性双生児のジョージとチャールズは、例えばある人の誕生日が木曜日に当たる年をすべてあげることが出来る。さらに過去あるいは未来の4万年にわたる暦の年月日と曜日を言い当てることが出来る。二人は暇さえあれば、20ケタの素数を言い合って遊んでいるが、実際には、彼らは二人とも、一ケタの足し算もできないし、数式も一切知らないのだ。もちろん紙に書いて計算することなど思いもよらない。」(「なぜかれらは天才的能力を示すのか」から。)No title (9)
think I digressed a lot and wrote too much about getting the green card. It is
a sort of fun to reminisce these days, but I need to move on and discuss my own
analytic training.
I stated, it was very challenging for me to look for analytic cases, and I was
very lucky to have found three of them to complete my training. Each of them
came to me and started an analytic process in a totally different way from each
other, but there are things in common among these three patients. They were
good people, were in suffering, and were motivated to work on their own issues
despite the fact that I, as their analyst, was from a totally different
cultural background and hard to understand due to my heavy accent. Also they
were lonely, and so was I, in a sense. Discussing each case is not the purpose
of this paper, and I would only state that besides learning a lot about
psychoanalysis through these cases, I realized that I can be of some help for
others as a mental health professional, as well as an analyst, in the American
important issue to be discussed here is that throughout my training, I
gradually formed my own style as a therapist. (“My style” is a mice way of
saying, but it can be “my bias” as well.) As my personal analysis went on, my
analytic treatment with three cases progressed, and the didactic course
continued, I realized that I was moving more and more toward non-classical and
more “liberal” way of thinking. One thing which struck me in particular, was
that psychoanalysis in reality is quite different from what is taught and
discussed in theory. I was certainly more interested in what actually
happens in analysis, rather than what should happen in analytic
theories. It is certain that the ambiance that TIP was providing influenced me, which was a mixture of classical and liberal, based on the theoretical orientations of the analyst belonging to it. In fact, TIP gave candidates many chances to read on different types of theories. Some of them struck my chord, and some others bored me, and some I found false. I became more and more choosy about my reading.