
Male sexual victims 2

Although I felt that my pharmacological as well as group approaches were not of any help, I learned a lot throughout these experiences as I realized that I had a lot of misunderstanding about child sexual victimization. Many of these perpetrators targeted boys as their victims, but there is nothing to do with homosexuality. In fact many of them wish to have mature relationships with female partners but they feel inhibited to do so. However, I found that some of them cannot be classified as either hetero- or homosexual, as their sexual interest is uniquely for children of either sex. (please correct me if I still have some misconceptions on this issue.) 

  After my analytic training was over (thank God!)  I came back to Japan and started practicing psychiatry in Tokyo in 2004. I currently deal with many patients with dissociative disorder that I happen to be referred to by many clinicians due to my publications on the topic. Many of these dissociative patients had sexual trauma in their childhood, but some of them do not have any history of it. Rather they were emotionally dominated by their mothers in their childhood and are not allowed to have their own mind, ending up having multiple different personalities. 

   I was very impressed by a young woman who herself was a victim of sexual abuse. She has a male personality who is highly aggressive and attempts to assault a young woman who happens to be one of her best friends. There are so many curious experiences that I would like to talk about, but before I further digress, let me move on. 

  One of the problems that I have in practicing psychiatry in Tokyo is that I have difficulty explaining men’s sexual behaviors  to female victims. Some of them ask me to explain why some of their male bosses, upperclassmen or male friends that they once trusted and respected suddenly turn to make sexual advances or even become sexually aggressive toward them. I will discuss this issue later as it is related to other issues that I would like to ask you about.