2. The actuality of trauma during infancy and early childhood.
This second point that Itzkowitz raises
might also invite another kind of “turn” in our conceptualization of the mind
in psychoanalysis. In Freud’s drive model, the goal for psychoanalysis was to
make unconscious conscious with an assumption that repressed sexual and
aggressive drives in the child need to be dealt with. Freud established this
theory after he rejected the actuality of the sexual trauma that a child
experiences in 1897. If we accept and acknowledge the actuality of trauma, the
whole basis of Freud’s theory might need to be looked at from a different angle. Howell & Itzkowitz states (2016a),
“Even Freud’s most influential theories- for example, the Oedipus complex - can
readily and easily be deconstructed in terms of the underlying motifs of the
most heinous type of child abuse; infanticide, murder”. (Ross, 1982, 2016a, p8)