
ミラーニューロンと解離 22

  Let us examine this interaction more concretely, say, between mother and her baby. The baby virtually experiences mother’s actively smiling at him, with the help of his MNS while being on the receiving end. He then smiles back at his mother, and their mutual smiling begin to form their mutual emotional exchange. This interchange is strongly backed by the involvement of their reward system: they repeat them as they feel good. When the mother smiles at the child, she does with her tender tone of voice, gentle sensation of her stroking hand, warmth of her body and good body smell which are all experienced by the baby in a multi-modal way. When the baby smiles back at her, most of these additional behaviors, such as tender voice and warmth of his hand, might be experienced by the mother on the receiving side. The child naturally experiences through MNS the mother’s experiences of them vicariously. Thus the baby experiences this bi-directional exchange with his mother (or any significant caretaker) which is strongly motivated by the involvement of reward system. We should understand that this interchange implies all the recipes necessary for the child to gain sense of self, sense of agency, introject of object images, obviously with the help of mirror system.