
報酬系 24 So called SP Revised (3)

<決め手となる報酬勾配 reward gradient

結局この概念が決め手だという考えに行き着いた。報酬勾配 reward gradient 。今日ふと頭に浮かんだ。さっそくこの単語でググってみたが、ヒットしない、ということはあまりまだ誰にも考えられていないのか?それとも当たり前すぎるのか。
 ところがふと気がつくとそばにある珊瑚の塊は、何か船のような形をしているようだ。ということは難破船の名残か?ひょっとしたらこのあたりには、その船に積まれていた金貨がたくさん散らばっている可能性はないか? その目で見るそこここに似たような「貝殻」が落ちているようだ。ダイバーは、仲間に知らせることをやめて、夢中で近くに散在している金貨を探し出す。さらには、どこかに金貨を入れていたツボごと発見できないだろうか、と時間の過ぎるのを忘れて・・・・。こちらは動的。後者で起きているのは、探すという行為が更なる快を生むという、「勾配」の存在なのである。

 Passing way of appearance in critical situations

When a SP appears, it typically stays around for only a short time and disappears rather quickly. If its appearance takes a form of stormy and violent behaviors, it tends to last for a shorter period. In this case, the SP consumes a lot of physical and mental energy and they literally cannot "stay up" for a longer time. The former states are approximated to episodes seen typically in a cultural-bound syndrome, such as latar and amok, characterized by sudden and violent behaviors.
Amok is traditionally been regarded as occurring mainly in Malay culture but is currently regarded as pathological behavior observed worldwide, in New Guinea, Laos, North America and other countries as well. It is characterized as sudden incomprehensible violence and mass murder by a single individual. This condition is considered as close to a state of dissociative fugue, in which an individual takes a long trip without any overt purpose or destination (Kon, 1994).
Y Kon, Y (1994) Amok. The British Journal of Psychiatry.  165: 685-689.

It needs to be added, however, that there are cases where the episodes last for hours, or even days or weeks. Typically in a state of somnambulism or fugue, without heightened physical or mental activities, it tends to last for a longer period, which holds true for a fugue state.
The triggering factor for the appearance of this type of SP varies, but often it has to do with some critical or traumatic events in the past. The way SP appears reminds us of a mechanism in which flashback of the past occurs among PTSD patients. It occurs sometimes spontaneously without any overt purpose, but often some reminder of the past traumatic event is observed. In some occasions, the host personality might feel cornered and unable to defend her and becomes immobilized, when a SP might show up for “rescuing” her.

One of my clients, a young wife was harshly criticized by her mother-in-law for not being a “good wife.” She became speechless for a while and became almost tearful, when all the sudden her voice deepens and a male personality appears, stating how unreasonable the in-law is for criticizing her while her own son is such a wayward, so much into gambling and alcohol, without taking enough care about his own family including her. (The mother-in-law is then further convinced that her son was manipulated by a woman who is forcefully “mind controlling” her son in this tactful way.