
ミラーニューロンと解離 34



In this article, I take a second look at how personalities in DID are conceptualized in modern psychiatric diagnostic criteria such as DSM-5 and ICD-11 and delineated current trend of regarding the identities in DID as partial and fragmentary.
 Presumably, DID is characterized as having a disruption of identity (DSM-5, ICD-11), which is cogently expressed in the name of the “dissociative identity disorder”, a diagnostic nomenclature which seems to have gained its citizenship well enough after its first appearance in 1994 (DSM-IV, American Psychiatric Association). If we trace the way the diagnostic naming is switched from MPD(multiple personality disorder) to DID, the rationale for the change was to remind clinicians that personalities are not whole ones, but parts as result of the failure of integration.
 David Spiegel, who chaired the committee for dissociative disorder spoke the rationale with a pejorative tone, as follows: “People with this disorder do not have more than one personality but rather less than one personality. (The name was changed recently from ‘multiple personality disorder’ to ‘dissociative identity disorder.’) 

Spiegel, D expert Q&A: dissociative disorders American Psychiatric Association https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/dissociative-disorders/expert-q-and-a

改めて思うことだが、1994年に発表されたDSM-IVで、MPDからDIDに変わった時、実は大きな意識の変化があったのだが、このことを今日まで十分把握していなかった。つまり多重人格障害(MPD)に示唆された「人格が沢山ある」という表現は誤解を招くという。DSMの解離部会の委員長だったDavid Spiegel はこんなことを言っていた。私はこれまでシュピーゲル先生を尊敬していたが、これはひどすぎる。



I proposed that this view is not altogether consistent with their clinical manifestations and proposed an alternative way of looking at these personalities has having their sense of self on their own, furnished with all its component delineated by Japers.