
母子関係 推敲 5

 最近では乳幼児研究の分野で、様々な知見が得られている。赤ん坊は生まれ落ちたときに白紙状態なわけではない。新生児の段階から親の模倣をする(新生児模倣 neonatal imitation)とされる。
Meltzoff AN, Moore MK. Imitation of facial and manual gestures by human neonates. Science. 1977; 198:75–78
Meltzoff, AN and Moore, MK. (1989) Imitation in Newborn Infants: Exploring the Range of Gestures Imitated and the Underlying Mechanisms Dev Psychol. 25(6): 954–962.

 つまり母子の間の活発なコミュニケーションは生下時からすでに始まっている。最近では母子の交流に関する実証研究が進み、特に母親からの語り掛けがそのほかのモード(視覚刺激、触覚刺激など)を伴うことで促進されることが示されている。具体的には、母親から声掛けと同時に身体的な接触があった場合には、その声掛けを訊いた際の赤ちゃんの神経学的な変化に、事象関連ポテンシャル(ERPs)や脳波のレベルで顕著な差が見られたという。By using electroencephalogram (EEG) and event-related potentials (ERPs), the present study investigated how neural processing involved in A-T integration is modulated by tactile interaction. Seven- to 8-months-old infants heard one pseudoword both whilst being tickled (multimodal 'A-T' (audio-tactile) condition), and not being tickled (unimodal 'A' condition). Thereafter, their EEG was measured during the perception of the same words. Compared to the A condition, the A-T condition resulted in enhanced ERPs and higher beta-band activity within the left temporal regions, indicating neural processing of A-T integration.

Tanaka, Y., Kanakogi, Y., Kawasaki, M., Myowa, M. (2018) The integration of audio-tactile information is modulated by multimodal social interaction with physical contact in infancy. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 30:31-40.

Auditory cues enable mothers to convey referential information, which directs infants’ attention to specific objects or to specific aspects of the environment18,19. Furthermore, tactile cues (e.g., hugging, touching, and kissing) are important signals of interaction between mothers and infants20
Tanaka, Y., Hukushima, H., Okanoya, K. and M, Myowa, M. (2014) Mothers’ multimodal information processing is modulated by multimodal interactions with their infants. Scientific Reports 4(2):6623
