
儚さ 英文 4

  Referring to Becker’s work, Irwin Hoffman proposes a different opinion on Freud’s view on the mortality. His main contention is that in “On Transience”, Freud demonstrated an existential viewpoint on mortality in an “unofficial” way (Hoffman, 1998).

According to Hoffman, Freud discussed death in various stages of his life and his works, but no clearly delineated and consistent theory of mortality s found in his work. There are four major contexts: 1. viewpoint from the topographical model, 2. Viewpoint related to the death instinct, 3. Viewpoint related to the Structural model, 4.his existential viewpoint stated “succinctly and informally” in “On Transience”.

Hoffman is critical of the 1st view in the topographical model, that unconsciously “everyone is convinced of his own immortality”, stating that it is contradictory to Freud’s own statement that the unconscious is totally oblivious to time (Freud, 1914b, p187). Hoffman makes a point that if people cannot imagine his mortality, he cannot imagine his immortality either as both ideas equally involve time. Hoffman also raises an issue that Freud stated in “On Narcissism” that the immortality of the ego is so threatened by reality, which is also contradictory to Freud’s view of our inability to imagine our own death”(Freud, 1915, p289) Hoffman then concluded “People can no more imagine-again in the concrete sense of picturing it-time extended forever in their presence than they can imagine time extended forever in their absense”(p.35)

Hoffman’s contention is plausible both theoretically and experientially. As Becker’s work suggested, many people point out that our mortality itself can be the object of denial or negation. However, what is also important is that the way we handle our own mortality is confound, and many desires or fantasies regarding our death can be involved. Although Freud might not have been right in stating that unconscious is unable to imagine mortal, isn’t it also possible for us to repress our wish for immortality? Or isn’t it possible that our acceptance of mortality can be more subtle and nuanced if we believe some type of after life? The way that we handle our mortality can be thus varied and complicated.

What is most meaningful in Hoffman’s discussion of Freud’s thanatology was the 4th point that he made regarding “On Transience”. He states that Freud “informally” discussed mortality in this essay. He stressed the meaning of doing mourning work. Freud’s use of the expression of “foretaste of mourning” or “decease” is evocative. (“… the idea that all this beauty was transient was giving these two sensitive minds a foretaste of mourning over its decease….(p.359) While dealing with the loss of loved object, he was talking about the death of oneself. Hoffman considers that “On Transience” practically dealt with his own mortality. Although Freud discussed timelessness of the unconscious he is introducing the temporality.

However, Hoffman stresses that Freud never went beyond existential view. He supposes two states concerning our mortality; one is what was demonstrated by the young poet, that the object loses its value if it eventually disappears. The other attitude is that the value of an objects is increased if it is transient. (readers might recognize that they are two statements that Freud made in “On Transience” that we already saw.) Hoffman stresses that our life is given meanings in contrast to the meaninglessness upon our death. Meaning of our life and meaninglessness of our death are experienced in a dialectical way and calls it “dialectical constructivist” view.


儚さ 英文 3

 Freud and the theory of mortality

As discussed earlier, Freud’s well-known statement regarding mortality posits that “in the unconscious every one of us is convinced if his own immortality” (Freud, 1915, p.289). He made this statement in his paper “Thought on War and Death”(1915), which he wrote in the same period as he wrote “On Transience”. There have been many criticisms toward Freud’s statement and Ernst Becker is one of the most vocal opponents of this view. In his well-known work “The Denial of Death” Becker maintained that it is an essential nature of the human being to be anxious and fearful about his own mortality. It is one of the main topics of philosophy that he calls “the existential dilemma” where human beings are torn apart between their wish for life and their bitter awareness of their own finitude. Becker’s general contention is that Freud’s works are a devise to deny the fear of death. Freud’s “non yielding” attitude as a whole entails the avoidance to deal with fear of mortality with the help of a peculiar logic; causa sui, meaning that human being ventures his limitation without success in a sort of bootstrapping effort. Becker considers that Freud’s non-yielding attitude, and “Oedipal project” are part of his attempts to challenge and overcome his own destiny. According to Becker, Freud’s psychosexual theory is a displacement for the fear of dying. Therefore, what is in the unconscious is not the castration anxiety but his mortality, instead of immortality that Freud insists that the unconscious believes. In that sense Freud’s postulation of the death instinct turns the fear of death on its head and treat it as a manifestation of our biological tendency.

Becker, E (1974/2011) Denial of Death. Souvenir Press Ltd.

However, Becker also discussed how Freud dealt with his own death in a convoluted way and suggested that he might have had a tacit desire to abandon everything and submit himself to some higher order. That tacit wish was revealed in his fainting episodes he displayed in front of Jung. Freud reportedly said “how sweet it might be to die…. “ when he came to after the second fainting spell, which might have an indication that he had an unconscious wish to yield to the destiny instead of fighting with it. Unfortunately, Becker did not follow through with this line of thoughts and he never discussed the essay “on transience” in which Freud discussed the issue of human destiny in a more revealing way.


儚さ 英文 2

  Freud’s attitude toward transience of the object can be summarized into two statements.

1st statement: The painful mourning process of a lost object spontaneously ends, and we can turn to a new object.

2nd statement: An object’s beauty and value increase due to its transience.

As for the 1st statement, it is practically a restatement of Freud’s assertion that he made in “Mourning and Melancholia” that he wrote several months earlier. When the mourning work is over as it is supposed, our attention shifts to a new object with its own beauty and value. Freud does not think the poet’s despondency due to the “foretaste of mourning” as abnormal or pathological, as he states that this can be a common reaction to the object loss.(’ The proneness to decay of all that is beautiful and perfect can … give rise to two different impulses…. The one leads to the aching despondency felt by the young poet…. (p305)”)

However, Freud discussed as though he is the exception and is somewhat beyond the poet’s agonizing response (as we will see later, Freud changed this view six years later when he wrote “the Ego and the ID” where he stated that the mourning works can hardly end (Clewell)

The 2nd statement implies that an object grows more beautiful and valuable due to that fact that it is transient and is destined to perish. Some of us might wonder if this 2nd statement is in accord with the 1st statement. In the 1st statement, it is the new flower which carries renewed beauty and value. However, in the 2nd statement, it is the original flower which adds its value due to its destiny to disappear. These two statements are not exactly contradictory, but rather are discussing two different flowers. In his short essay, however, Freud never dealt with this apparent discordance.

Probably Freud’s originality in the “transience” stays with the 2nd statement which deals with the beauty and value of objects despite their transient nature. Freud mentions repeatedly beauty and value, and he makes a poet appear in this essay. As all of us know, the issue of sublimation and artistic activities appear repeatedly in Freud’s works. He is also well known as a collector of artistic items.

What attracts our attention also is a theme which runs deep in this essay, which is that of mortality. What is most typical of transience is no doubt human life. In his paper “Thoughts on Wars and Deaths” that he wrote almost in a same period as he wrote “On Transience”, he made a statement that if we take the truth of our mortality  more seriously, our life becomes more tolerable and meaningful. Then he states: “If you want to endure life, prepare for death”. (Freud, Thoughts on War and Death, 1915,p.299)

Freud was then talking about life itself, rather than objects in general which value is increased due to its transience. Freud appears to be hinting at his attitude toward our mortality and meaning of our life, instead of limiting his discussion to just beauty. Freud lost so many people by this period of his life, and faced a destruction of the civilization that the war destroyed so mercilessly. Obviously, Freud was aware and was intere

sted in his own doomed destiny. What this essay invites us is to explore how transience of the objects and our lives entail their value and beauty, perhaps starting from where Freud stopped.

Note 1

What should be mentioned here before discussing any further the historical meaning of this essay is the

work of Matthew von Unwerth: “Freud’s RequiemMourning, memory and Invisible History of a Summer Walk” (2006). This work focuses uniquely on this particular essay and discuss relevant topics in detai, with a belief that ”’On Transience’ is a portrait in miniature of the world of its writer, rich and teeming with the same themes that shaped his life and his work.” Certainly the readers grasp a sentimental, melancholic, even Romantic aspect of Freud .(Book Review. Richard Gottlieb,p. 592von Unwerth discussed on a deeper level the relationship between Freud’s theory of mourning and the art and culture, while focusing on Freud’s personal relationship with Rilke or Salome. Unfortunately, Unwerth did not discuss Freud’s concern with mortality which I consider is one of the big topics of this essay.


儚さ 英文 1


Transience and Mortality in Psychoanalysis

“If you want to endure life, prepare for death”. (Freud, 1915,p.299)

 We human beings are living in this chaotic world without any definite sight for the future. Perhaps the world is more stable than past centuries, but nonetheless, we are keenly aware of the fleeting and transient nature of our living situation. New things keep occurring and even the development of technology, such as artificial intelligence can be a source of our anxiety. Is my job stable? Wouldn’t AI turn against us and deprive us of our autonomy and confidential information? Nothing seems to be certain in our future, except for the fact that the reality is very fleeting and nothing remains unchanged, and all of us are definitely mortal. Recently COVID-19 pandemic reminded us of the unpredictability of our world and future.

 What has psychoanalytic knowledge given us in order to endure this doomed life? I would like to discuss with this issue by re-examining Freud’s work and the Japanese philosophy.

In his psychoanalytic endeavor, Freud investigated what is in the unconscious and attempted to reach its content. Although Freud seemed rather optimistic from our standpoint about making unconscious unknown to conscious known, quite a number of modern analysts show interest in what is non-articulated and unknowable. It is as though we are making a distinction between what is unconscious, but there, and what is unknown, including its existence.  Regarding the condition for terminating analysis, Freud said that “so much repressed material has been made conscious, so much that was unintelligible has been explained, and so much internal resistance conquered” (Freud, 1937, p. 219). He seemed to advocate some stable, hard, and fast material, or even a “bedrock” of the mind, that would hold the key to understanding the mind. Certainly, Freud was breathing the air of the positivism of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (Tauber, 2009). However, it is still not widely acknowledged that Freud also discussed value and meaning in terms of what is fleeting, transient, and ephemeral.

Freud, S. (1913). On beginning the treatment. S.E., 12:121-144.

Freud’s “On Transience”

In 1915, Freud wrote a short essay “on Transience” at the invitation of the Berliner Goethebund for a commemorative volume under the title of Das Land Goethes (the Land of Goethe), among a large number of well-known contributors. The essay echoes his paper “Mourning and Melancholia” (1917), that Freud wrote some months before, which was not published until two years later.

In this essay, Freud went on a summer walk in a countryside “in the company of a taciturn friend and of a young but already famous poet”. The poet friend admires the beautiful landscape, but expressed no joy in it. He was “disturbed by the thought that all

this beauty was fated to extinction, that it would vanish when winter came, like all human beauty and all the beauty and splendor that men have created or may create” (Freud, p.304). The poet thinks that the worth of “[A]ll that he would otherwise have loved and admired” seemed to diminish by their transience.

Some studies ((Herbert Lehmann (1966)) revealed that the poet and his friend turned out to be Rainer Maria Rilke and Low Andreas Salome, and their Sommer walk described here was a fictional one.

 Freud admonished the poet and stated: “A flower that blossoms only for a single night does not seem to us on that account less lovely”. Then Freud added: “the transience of what is beautiful involves any loss in its worth. On the contrary, an increase!”(305) because “transience value is scarcity value in time(305)”. Then Freud considers that “What spoilt their enjoyment of beauty must have been a revolt in their minds against mourning” as “The idea that all this beauty was transient was giving these two sensitive minds a foretaste of mourning over its decease” (306); and, “since the mind instinctively recoils from anything that is painful, they felt their enjoyment of beauty interfered with by thoughts of its transience” (306). In stressing the importance of  mourning, Freud states that if the object is lost, “our capacity for love (our libido) is once more liberated “ and “it can take other objects…” Toward the end of the essay Freud made an affirmative and encouraging statement, that “however painful it [mourning] may be, comes to a spontaneous end”(307). The essay ends with a rather optimistic tone. ”We shall build up again all that war has destroyed, and perhaps on firmer ground and more lastingly than before.


CPTSDのエッセイ 4

 211日に書いて以来ほったらかしにしておいた「CPTSDのエッセイ」 。もはや書いた内容も忘れたが、それは「寝かせて」おいたともいえる。今度少し欧米の文献を読んで考えていた。




他方ではCPTSDを作ってしまったのがICD-11 。このCPTSDPTSD+DSO(自己組織化の障害)という形を取る。ということはPTSDだけの人もいるだろうし、DSOだけの人もいるだろう。そこで早合点する人は、「そうか、BPDとはDSOと考えればいいんだ。」ところがふと気が付く。DSOのみ、という診断はどこにも出てこない。では「BPDって、結局はDSOのことね?」と考える人もいるだろう。そのようにも言えるし、そうではないとも言える。ここら辺から識者たちの意見が分かれてくる。

大半の臨床家の意見はこんな感じだろう(ただし日本の臨床家に限らず、むしろ欧米の人たちを考えた場合)。「DSOの人は感情の調整がうまくいかず、自己評価が低く、人とうまくやっていけない(例のDSOAD+NSC+DRという公式を思い出そう) ということだが、何となく静かな印象を受ける。他方ではBPDの人たちはもっと激しいよね。他者の脱価値化と理想化、衝動性、激しい怒り、などなど。だからDSOBPDというのは違うんじゃないか。」








● フラッシュバック等のPTSD症状の強さ

● 解離症状の程度

●  感情の激しさの程度

● いわゆるハイパーボリック気質(どれだけBPDっぽいか)の強さ




儚さ 12

 では日本の京都学派による哲学は精神分析に何かを伝えることが出来るか、という問題について考えよう。私はそれも可能であろうと思う。フロイトは弁証法的構成主義の考え方の萌芽をそこに含んでいた。それは実存的なパラドクスという形で問いとして投げかけられており、ホフマン、スラビンなどにより言葉を与えられた。ホフマンの言葉を借りるならば、それは「時間的な有限性の気づきが、物事からの価値を奪う恐れがあると同時にそれらに価値を与えるという逆説 Awareness of temporal limitation threatens to divest things of their value and lends them value at the same time.(R and S, p.49)」としてとらえるという方針である。この種のパラドックスについては、実はウィニコットが使用したレトリック(例えば「対象は発見されると同時に想像されるのである」、とか「他者といて同時に一人」でいる能力、本当の自己は実体を持たない、など。)に豊富な例を見出すことが出来るが、実際には間主観性の流れないしはいわゆる関係精神分析の流れの中に息づいていると言えよう。Thus the basis of the capacity to be alone is a paradox; it is the experience of being alone while someone else is present Winnicott, 1958, P417

D. W. Winnicott (1958) The Capacity to be Alone (1958). International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 39:416-420 .

この種のパラドックスの表現は、空や無を媒介とした日本の哲学によってよりよく表現されているように思う。例えば色即是空という表現である。これは般若心経にある言葉であり、「色不異空、空不異色、色即是空、空即是色」(色は空と異ならず、空も色と異ならず、色即ち空なり、空すなわち色なり。 般若心経The Heart Sūtra すなわち、目に見えるもの、形づくられたもの(色)は、実体として存在せずに時々刻々と変化しているものであり、不変なる実体は存在しない(空)という教えである。般若心経は8世紀に遡るとされるが、これはフロイトの「儚さ」をはるか昔に先取りしていると言える。古くから仏教に慣れ親しんだ日本文化においては、西田や西谷により唱えられた無や空の概念をより日常的にないしは直感的にとらえる素地が出来ていたと言える。

 英語版WIKI様の記述を借りてみる。"Form is emptiness (śūnyatā), emptiness is form."
It is a condensed exposé on the Buddhist Mahayana teaching of the Two Truths doctrine, which says that ultimately all phenomena are sunyata, empty of an unchanging essence. This emptiness is a 'characteristic' of all phenomena, and not a transcendent reality, but also "empty" of an essence of its own. Specifically, it is a response to Sarvastivada teachings that "phenomena" or its constituents are real.  

Beginning from the 8th century and continuing at least until the 13th century, the titles of the Indic manuscripts of the Heart Sutra contained the words “bhagavatī” or "mother of all buddhas" and “prajñāpāramitā”.

 そしてそれを臨床的に精緻化したのが森田療法や内観療法である。森田療法では治療の目標を患者が捉われから脱して現実をあるがままに受け止めることにおいているのだ。An additional goal is to attain “arugamama,” or the Zen Buddhist ideal of accepting as they are (Tatara, p230)

In Naikan therapy the meditation-based practice is aimed at becoming aware of how much contribution his mother, father, siblingws etc. Both of these methods urge patients a passive acceptance.

Tatara, M (1982)Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Japan; the Issue of Dependency Pattern and the Resolution of Psychopathology. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 10:225-229.



儚さ 11


 すでに掲げた論点を再びここに記そう。フロイトと京都学派に事実上接点はなかったが、その主張が響き合うのはなぜだろうか。この一致は偶然なのだろうか。フロイトはある意味では彼らを先取りしていたのであろうか。それとも相互にinform 出来るような意味を両者に見出すことが出来るのであろうか。





儚さ 10




 禅の思想が死生観と最も顕著な形で結びついていたのがいわゆる武士道の倫理である。武士道については、1900年の新渡戸稲造の英文による紹介が広く知られている。(Bushido:The Soul of Japan)。新渡戸はそのBushidoの中で、武士道の由来は禅であるとしたうえで、その武士道の精神を次のようにまとめる。「それは運命を冷静に受け止め、避けられぬことに静かに服し、危険や悲惨な出来事に対して禁欲的に心を安定させ、生を軽蔑し、死を身近に感じることである。」いいねえ!

It furnished a sense of calm trust in Fate, a quiet submission to the inevitable, that stoic composure in sight of danger or calamity, that disdain of life and friendliness with death.


Hagakure is a well-known spiritual and practical guide for Samurai warriors, written by an  eighteenth-century samurai, Yamamoto Tsunetomo in the Nabeshima clan in Japan. The book dictates how samurai were expected to conduct themselves, how they were to live and die. While Hagakure was for many years kept only to warrior vassals of the Nabeshima clan, it later came to be popularized as a fundamental textbook of samurai thought. The text illuminates the concept of bushido (the Way of the Warrior), including living and dying for bravery and honor which is the essense of Hagakure. (William Scott Wilson has selected and translated here three hundred of the most representative of those texts to create an accessible distillation of this guide for samurai. (The Book of the SamuraiAnalects of Nabeshima or Hagakure Analects)  In the famous opening of the text, the author refers to bushido asthe Way of death,a description that has been interpreted in variously nuanced way, was even used as a way of rationalizing self-sacrificial war spirit. It is to note, however, bushido as depicted by Tsunetomo was under the influence of Zen Buddhism, especially to its concept of muga, the denial or the “death” of the ego.

Yamamoto Tsunetomo (2012) Hagakure: Book of the Samurai. Shambhala  Translation



儚さ 9

 Transience and its cultural implications


儚さ transience について日本文化との関連で論じた精神分析的な論考としては、北山修のそれがあげられる。北山はtransient (儚い、無常な)が Winnicott の概念に見られるようなtransitional (移行の)と区別されるべき点を強調した。そしてtransient は時間的な推移であるのに比べ、transitional (移行の)は場所的な推移であると説明した。北山の論文のTransience: its beauty and danger1998)という題名に見られるように、北山は日本文化の中にこの儚さに美を見出すという伝統が存在することについて論じている。そこでは人は移ろいやすいものに失われる自分自身を投影する傾向にある。北山は日本人は最後が別離で終わる物語を好む傾向があるとし、特にそれが日本人のマゾキズムと連動している点に注目してこう述べる。「この抑うつ的な傾向は示唆に富んでいるように思われよう。しかしこれは病的なまでに自己破壊的で、自分自身の命も含めたすべてを儚いものと感じることにつながる。」

北山論文の中で美に関する記述を以下に引用しよう。In my opinion, transition can be just joyful but it is often accompanied by a sense of transience or transiency that is more or less painful sentiment, sometimes even involving an artistic sense of beauty as well as sense of sadness, emptiness and depression. (p.940)



このテーマに関連して、岡野の「受け身性、行動を起こさないことと日本のエディプス Passivity, non-expression and Oedipus in Japan」という論文も参考になる。そこで岡野は「日本では秘密にされ、表現されないことの中に真実があると考える傾向にある」と述べる。彼は日本社会では受け身的で、行動を起こさないことが、逆説的にある種のアピールや誘惑としての意味を持つ可能性について論じた。この理論によれば、日本文化においては人々が物事や行動に不在の契機を持ち込むことで、そこに逆説的な価値や美意識を表現していることを示している。その一つの分かりやすい例は羽裏である。羽裏とは日本で羽織の裏側に華美な絵を施すことを言う。人は外には表れない美を内側に着込むことで精神的な優美さをまとっていると感じる。いわばその装飾を不在の契機を持ちつつ着ていることになる。



儚さ 8


これまで論じてきたフロイトの喪や儚さの問題に関して、対象との同一化  identification のテーマが特に重要であるため、ここに項目を分けて論じたい。フロイトが喪の作業に関する理論を推し進めた時期は、同一化に関する視点の変化と並行していたが、それが儚さと美の関連性に関するフロイトの考え方にもヒントを与えてくれている可能性がある。

フロイトは「喪とメランコリー」では、喪のプロセスは比較的明解なものと考えていた。「通常の喪の作業では失われた対象とのきずなは断たれることでリビドーは解放されて新たな外的対象に向かうはずだ。Just as mourning impels the ego to give up the object by declaring the object to be dead and offering the ego the inducement to love, so does each single struggle of ambivalence loosen the fixation of the libido to the object by disparaging it, denigrating it and even as it were killing it off.(Freud 257. Clewell.p. 60) それとの対比で、フロイトはメランコリーにおいては亡くした対象との「同一化identification of the ego with the abandoned object (249,Clewell 60).」が起きていると考えた。リビドーは対象から切れないが、対象自体はもういないため、その対象は心の中に取り込まれ、内在化されるしかない。このプロセスをフロイトは「同一化」と呼んだ。たとえば赤ん坊は母親のオッパイを吸って母乳を体に取り入れることを原初の同一化であると考えたのだ。(フロイトにとっての同一化の原型は、oral phase において食べたものを自分の一部にする過程であった。弟子のアブラハムが同一化とoral phaseとの関連性を指摘したことが影響したのであろう。)このようにフロイトは「悲哀とメランコリ―」の時期はまだ同一化を発達初期には見られると共に、成長してからは、メランコリーの際のような病的なものと考えていた。この同一化により心の中で一つの単位、彼が呼ぶところの「批判的な機関 critical agency」が成立し、それが自分の中で自分を責めるとした。(ちなみにこのプロセスは解離性の別人格の成立と似ていることになる。)

しかし「喪とメランコリー」から6年後の「自我とエス」の論文で、フロイトは同一化を病的なものとしてではなく、喪の重要なプロセスと考えるようになった。(Clewell, 61)これとともにフロイトが強調するようになったのは、喪は長期間にわたって継続していくという考え方である。これは「儚さ」における主張1(喪の作業はやがて自然に完了する)からの明らかな変化であった。

ところで「悲哀とメランコリー」の記述から一つの疑問が浮かび上がってくる。フロイトはこの時点では、喪はリビドーが失われた対象から撤去されるプロセスであり、それはメランコリーにおける内在化とは別のプロセスと考えていた。しかしフロイトはこの正常な喪のプロセスにおいても、内在化に類似した過程を述べているかのようである。彼は失われた対象を忘れるためには、その対象がいったん強く想起されることを必要とする。“Each single one of the memories and expectations in which the libido is bound to be object is brought up and hyper-cathected, and the detachment of the libido is accomplished in respect of it. When the work of mourning is completed, the ego becomes free and uninhibited againリビドーが対象に結びついていたような記憶や期待はことごとく取り上げられ、超備給される。それによりリビドーの離脱が可能となる。喪の作業が完了すると自我は自由となり解放される。


このプロセスについてClewell は次のように言う。”The work of mourning, as Freud described it here, entails a kind of hyper-remembering, a process of obsessive recollection during which the survivor resuscitates the existence of the lost other in the space of the psyche, replacing an actual absence with an imaginary presence.”(p.44).”With a very specific task to perform, the Freudian grief work seeks, then, to convert loving remembrances into a futureless memory.(p.44)”.

フロイトの考えたこの失われた対象の過剰記憶や、空想上の存在 imaginary presence (Clewell) は、メランコリーにおいて生じているはずの同一化とどれほど異なるプロセスかは不明であり、両社は少なくとも質的に類似する。それらはいずれも心に対象のイメージが刻まれることでは共通しているからである。「喪の先取り」はいずれにおいても生じているのだ。そしてこのことの気づきからフロイトが喪のプロセスが結局は失われた外的対象との同一化のプロセスであるという気付きへとつながったとしても驚くには当たらない。

フロイトは同一化のプロセスについての考えを磨き上げることで、それが単なる記憶でなく、ある生命を宿した審級として心に宿ることを見出した。失われた対象は冷たい記憶として残るのではなく、自我の一部となって命を得る。Clewell はこのプロセスを次のように表す。亡くした他者を、悲嘆による同一化により内在化することで人は主体になる。

it is only by internalizing the lost other through the work of bereaved identification, Freud now claims, that one becomes a subject in the first place.(p.61)




儚さ 7

 「儚さ」により間接的に表現されているようなフロイトの喪に関する理論は、フロイトの業績全体に生じていた「パラダイムの変換 paradigm shift」の中で生まれ、その背景には彼の人生で生じた出来事による情緒的な旅 emotional journey (Schimmel, 224) が関係しているという見解が Schimmel により示されている。彼によれば、喪とメランコリー以降の一連の論文が一つのカテゴリーとして分類されるべきであり、フロイトはそれまでの性愛論から対象関係や喪のテーマへの関心の移行があったという。

Paul Schimmel (2018) Freud’s “selected fact”: His journey of mourning. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 99(1):208-229
 フロイトの「悲哀とメランコリー」は、従来はフロイトがその一部を破棄したとされるメタサイコロジーの一連の論文の一つとされると考えられていたが、Schimmel はこの論文が「戦争への失望と私たちの死への姿勢」(1915)や「戦争に関する時評」(1915)や「儚さ」(1916)と一緒に分類されるべきであるとする。つまりこれらはフロイトによる新たなメタサイコロジーが生まれたことを意味し、そしてそこにはフロイト自身が人生の中で経験したいくつもの喪失や喪の体験が関係していたとする。当時は第一次大戦がはじまったばかりであったが、彼の楽観的な考えをよそに戦争は拡大し、彼の長男のエルンストも徴兵される。フロイト自身も1914年後半にうつ状態に陥る(p216)そしてこの時期のフロイトの喪の作業には、ユングとの決別も、フロイトの義兄エマニュエルの1914年の死も大きく影響していたとされる(Anzieu, Masson,225)。

Schimmel  によれば、「儚さ」の論文に出てくる二つの主張は、フロイトの中にいる二つの存在を表していた可能性があるという。主張1は詩人の口を語っている、メランコリーに陥っていたフロイトであり、主張2は、喪の作業により失われたものを乗り越えた後のフロイトであるという(P.217)。すなわちこの論文は喪の作業を行う前と後の両方のフロイトを表しているのであり、このように考えた場合は、主張12の間に見られる矛盾はそのままフロイトの中に共存していたことになろう。

Schimmel はフロイトが発見したのは、「喪の中心テーマは、喪失による精神的な苦痛を耐える能力こそが、心的な現実に向き合い続けるための条件である」ということであり、これこそが彼が臨床的な現実から出発した発見であると述べる。The centrality of mourning, that is the capacity to tolerate the psychic pain of loss, as a condition for maintaining contact with psychic reality, is a clinical fact.(Schimmel, p.225) 

そこでは喪を行う能力 capacity to mourn は一つの達成であるというフロイト自身の体験と学習があったのだという。Schimmel はこう説明する。フロイトは喪が出来ないことは、その人の過去の性愛的な失望 ”erotic” disappointmentという名のトラウマがあったからだと思っていた。喪を回避する人はこのトラウマによる痛みのせいだった。ところがフロイトは物事の儚さについての現実を認識し受け入れることが喪を行う能力につながり、それが結局は情緒的にも優先されるということを身を持って体験することとなった。そして性愛理論に基づいた快感原則に現実原則を組み込む必要を感じた。それが1920年の快の二原則の提示であったのだ。George Makariによればフロイトは戦争の恐ろしさhorror of war を体験することで、それまでの性本能論に基づいた快原則から、儚さ等の現実を受け入れることの重要さを認識するという意味での現実原則を重んじる立場へと驚くべき方向転換 staggering about face (2008, 319)を行ったとしている。