Dissociation and the mirror neuron system
There have been theories regarding the process of
“identification” as a crucial mechanism for the formation of personalities in
DID (Putnam, 1989, Howell, 2014), especially aggressive ones when abusive
situation occurs. Although the original notion such as “the identification with
aggressor” (Ferenczi, 1933/1949) has a psychodynamic basis and not a biological
one, some type of identification process on a neurological level might occur,
giving rise to a new formation of DC. Theoretically this process should involve
practical “copying” the aggressor’s various characteristics. But do we really
have this miraculous copying capacity? Fortunately in this era, we are aware of a
specific neural mechanism enabling us to miraculously “copy” others; so-called “mirror
neuron” system.
There has been an
explosion of the studies related to mirror neuron for the past decades. Mirror
neuron was discovered in 1996 by Italian neurophysiologists in the University
of Parma, led by Giacomo
Rizzolatti, Leonardo Fogassi,
and Vittorio Gallese (Rizzolatti, Craighero, 2004, Rizzolatti, Fabbri-Destro,2010). They
found that some neurons in the ventral premotor cortex of macaque monkeys responded when the monkeys observed a person
picking up food, the same neurons that are activated when monkeys do the same
behaviors. By definition, A mirror neuron is a neuron that gets activated both when an animal acts and
observes the same action by another, thus "mirroring" the other’s
behaviors of the other, as though the observer him/herself is acting vicariously
Craighero, 2004,). Reportedly, mirror neurons have been found in human, primate species, and birds.