
ミラーニューロンと解離 28

 Let us imagine a traumatic situation where a baby is harshly beaten by the mother, instead of engaging in mutual smiling with her. The baby might experience a serious emotional trauma with intense fear and anxiety. As we saw above, in such situations, in dissociative cases, some areas of the baby’s brain, especially prefrontal cortex, are activated in order to suppress related areas, such as amygdala in his limbic system in order to avoid sensual and emotional experiences (van der Kolk, 1994, Reinders, et al, 2003,3006). The baby might be “dazed” and is in trans-like dissociated state) and his passive experience of being beaten is not formed properly as there is a lack of sensation, such as pain, terror and anxiety. The baby might wonder what he is going through, as though he might not be living that experience, like his anesthetized hand being touched.

van der Kolk, B. (1994) The body keeps the score: Memory and the evolving psychobiology of post-traumatic stress. Harvard Review of Psychiatry. 1(5):253-65.

In this situation where the MNS faces paradoxical input of information of visually being beaten, but no matching sensation and is unable to form a passive experience, suddenly a new center of consciousness might be formed on an emergency basis, which observes himself from outside, in a form of so-called out-of-body state. It is suggestive that many reports of out of body experiences come from those who undergo surgical operation with general (but probably insufficient) anesthesia. This was eloquently described by the author such as Putnam,etc.

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