
「甘え」の英語化 4

The countries that they stayed are typically English-speaking countries, ranging from the United States, Canada, England, Hawaii, Australia, to Philippine. They often state that they are much less stressed in interpersonal relationship in these countries. They did not need to think much about others.
When they are asked what they mean, they often explained that in these countries, “others are not paying much attention to me compared to my home country (Japan) ”. Of course as foreigners, they get attentions from others rather often, especially in less populated area. But the gaze that they attract is not altogether that of concern or compassion. Others are more concerned about whether or not the foreigners have any intention to intrude upon their lives. If they are judges as safe, others might stop watching them and start minding their business. Of course, some of them might be very compassionate and eager to help foreigners who are needing some assistance. But they usually have an assumption that if these foreigners need some help, they might say so, as they might do in a similar sitation). Their policy is not to bother reading minds of others.
もちろん彼らは困っている異邦人を助ける気持ちを持ち合わせてもいるかもしれない。その異邦人(すなわち私たちの同国人)に興味を持ち、積極的に助けの手を差し延べてくることもあるだろう。しかし通常は彼らはそこまで親切心が旺盛なわけではない。彼らは「もし必要ならそういってくるだろう(自分だったらそうするだろう)」ということを暗黙の前提としている。そこにあるのは、憶測や想像力を働かせず、またその必要もないという考えである。想像力はエネルギーを使うし、誤解も多い。特に多民族国家では相手の心を想像しにくい以上、自分が必要なものを相手に伝えるというルールなしには社会は成立しないであろう。そのために異郷で一人ぼっちでいる日本人は心細さを感じ、こちらのニーズを読んでもらえないことに憤慨するかもしれない。しかしその関係は相互のニーズを読みあう社会society of mutual mind-reading にはないある種の開放感を与えてもくれるのである。
It takes a lot of energy to imagine other people’s mind and try to respond to them. In multi-racial countries, it is harder to guess what others feel and think correctly. Therefore, it is imperative for people to express clearly and verbally what they need. It might make lonely Japanese uneasier and more anxious in foreign environment. But still, they experience some kind of relief as well.
 ここで思い出されるのは、土居健郎の甘え理論の発端となった異国体験の例である。「甘えの構造」(1971)の冒頭部分で、彼は次のようなエピソードを紹介している。彼は留学してまだ間もない頃、米国である家に招かれた際、「あなたは空腹ですか? アイスクリームがありますが」と問われた。彼は実際は空腹だったが、遠慮して「空いていない」、と答えた。そしてもう一度勧めてもらうのを期待したのだ。しかし相手は「あ、そう」と言ったきり、「なんの愛想もなかった」という。土居はこの時、そのアメリカ人にこちらの気持ちを汲んでほしかったのだ。当然日本での人間関係ではそうするのである。しかしそのやり取りが米国では生じなかったのだ。
This reminds us of Takeo Doi’s experience when he came up with idea of amaé, depicted in “the Anatomy of Dependence” (1971). When he was invited to an American family, soon after he moved to the US, he was asked if he is hungry or not. The hostess suggested that they would serve ice-cream if he needs it. Doi said “no” as he was afraid that he might look too bod and conspicuous if said ”yes”, expecting that she would serve him an ice-cream anyway. However the hostess said “OK” and never offered ice-cream anymore. He found the host’s attitude dismissive. He wanted the host to read his mind as Japanese would usually do. This does not happen In the US.
This experienced led Doi to discover the meaning of amaé. He did not describe in detail
his thinking process when this incident occurred, I would venture to say that what Doi experienced was something like “negative” of the experienced some of my Japanese people had when they went abroad and felt relieved, as I described above.