
So called SP (8)

Some prototypes of SPs.

1.     A SP, which asserts herself on behalf of the host

 Ms. M, a young woman works hard on the floor of a restaurant until late at night, five times a week. Although she is generally satisfied with the working environment, she is unhappy about her boss, middle aged single mal, who asks her out for drink after the work, which tends to last many hours, sometimes until early next morning. M gets exhausted, but cannot decline his invitation as he is her boss anyway, and by her nature, M has difficulty rejecting such a show of friendship by someone. Her therapist, being well aware of M’s having different parts of personality, proposes half seriously to see if “someone2 can say “no” to the boss’s bad habit on M’s behalf. In the next session, M reported that one day when their restaurant sent off their last customers and the boss asked if she wants to join him for a drink, “someone” takes her over and got quite aggressive, knocking off tables, throwing chairs, screaming at him and demanding him not to ask M out again, as M cannot say “no” to anyone and got totally fed up, but cannot express her feeling. The whole process occurred without M’s awareness and quite taken aback the boss accepted “his” demand. Then obviously, a child personality switched, quite scared about what seems to have happened with all the tables and chairs scattered around, needed to be reassured and consoled by the boss himself. M was later told about what has happened by her boss, who even apologized her for not being aware that M was not welcoming his invitation.


So called SP (7)

Absence of anger in other parts of personality

Although not originally listed as one of the components of the definition of SPs, their anger and aggressiveness is accompanied by a lack of them in the host and other main parts of personality. As it was adeptly described by one of my clients who already depicted her own SP, parts of personality seen among patients with DID do not know how to express, or even feel angry and frustrated. The appearance of SPs is typically warranted in a situation where aggressive attempt at breaking off of any insult and intrusiveness exhibited by others. It is not necessarily a host personality in a critical situation who intentionally “summons” or “invites” SP into the scene. The host simply becomes at a loss and an SP might set in motion. The whole process occurs rather automatically. As will be discussed later, this automatism is a key in understanding the mechanism of dissociative switching among parts of personality, and appearance of SP might be hard to resist once a situation becomes difficult for the host to manage.

It is enticing to imagine that the host can “be angry but unconsciously” in these critical situations, but this would get us back to the starting point more than a century ago when Freud expressed his opinion against Breuer’s formulation about “hypnoid state.” In the Studies of Hysteria (1895). 






So called SP (6)

The triggering factor for the appearance of this type of SP varies, but often it has to do with some critical or traumatic events in the past. That reminds us of a mechanism in which flash back of the past occurs among PTSD patients. In other occasions, the host personality might feel cornered and unable to defend her and becomes immobilized, when a SP might show up for “rescuing” her.
One of my clients, a young woman and a wife was harshly criticized by her mother-in-law for not being a “good wife.” She became speechless for a while and became almost tearful, when all the sudden her voice deepens and a male personality appears, stating how unreasonable for the in-law for criticizing her while her own son is such a wayward, so much into gambling and alcohol, without taking enough care about his own family including her. (The mother-in-law is then further convinced that her son was manipulated by a woman who is forcefully “mind controlling” her son in this tactful way..  



So called SP (5)

Passing appearance in critical situations

When a SP appears, it typically stays around for only a several minutes and it disappears rather quickly. However, there are cases where the episodes last for hours, or even days or weeks. If its appearance takes a form of stormy and violent behaviors, it tends to last for a shorter period. In this case, the SP consumes a lot of mental energy and they literally cannot "stay up" for a long time. If it is in a state of somnambulism or fugue, without heightened physical or mental activities, it tends to last for a longer period. The former states is approximated to episodes seen typically in a cultural-bound syndrome, such as amok, characterized by sudden and violent behaviors. Let us refer to its description in Wiki.

Running amok, … is "an episode of sudden mass assault against people or objects usually by a single individual following a period of brooding that has traditionally been regarded as occurring especially in Malay culture but is now increasingly viewed as psychopathological behavior occurring worldwide in numerous countries and cultures"(Wikipedia, “amok”).The latter conditions is close to a prolonged state of fugue, where an individual takes a long trip without overt destination or purpose in his/her mind.



So called SP (4)

This definition includes three components in SPs: anger/aggression, unidentifiable nature, passing appearance in critical situations. Let me elaborate rather in detail on these three components,

It is often unclear who a SP is mad at when it exhibits its anger and frustration. When a SP shows anger, it tends to direct it in a rather indiscriminate way. it might yell at, or lunge toward whoever is around. It might attack whoever seems to incriminate the host personality, obviously in his/her protection. However, it might hurt the body of the host, or even try to kill him/her, which automatically kill itself. Some SP, when asked why he engages in self-destructive behaviors which simultaneously endanger SP itself, states "I don't really care. I'm totally OK if I die. Or I don't even know if I'm alive or not".

Difficulty in being identified
One of the reasons why SPs sometimes do not seem to own their clear identification is because they are not fully formed as a personality; they are not altogether crystallized in their character formation. Often they are in a trans-like state or somnambulism, in a clouded consciousness, without a capacity to identify him/herself or even respond to a question. When a SP is in a fugue state, they would wonder without purpose or destination. However, there are other cases where SPs simply do not want to be seen or understood. Some SP send his clinician a blunt message, such as "leave her alone" or " don't mess with us", or "don't even try to get hold of me", expressing their deep distrust and clear wish to alienate the clinician. It appears that some states of SP require a lot of mental energy and they literally cannot "stay up" for a long time after they use up their energy and tend to be gone rather quickly.  


So called SP (3)

1.     Definition of SPs

First, how should the SPs be defined? A straightforward one should go like “parts of personality holding anger or destructiveness.” It also has a connotation of shadowy figures behind the scence who pull strings. Another important nature is its relative anonymity. They are often referred to as “it”, “unknown” or “anonymous”. They sometimes have an implication that they are not supposed to be born or are not worthy of existing in this world. Its appearance is typically ephemeral, passing and without any attempt of contacting other personalities or people outside. To put these characteristic together, SPs should be formulated more in detail; “these are parts of personalities which hold anger and destructiveness, which tend to appear only temporarily in a rather critical occasions.”


So called SP (2)


  Many patients with DID appear to distinguish SPs from other “ordinary” personality states. The latter usually have their names and distinct profiles, including name, age, memories and typical situations where they appear or show up. Some personality assumes responsibility in his/her employment. Another personality appears in the evening and wants to play with a significant other. These personalities often communicate and have “meetings” among them. They sometimes exchange or share information about the host’s daily living or salient past histories. However, SPs tend to be excluded from the circle and live on their own. Many of them are typically dormant and exhibit no indication about their presence.

  One of my patients who is very adept at describing the nature of these SPs states as follows.
  It seems as though SPs are a group of people who are deprived of any chance to be honest and express themselves. They tend to increase in number. They are so often put off expressing their anger, while other personalities have no “command program” for getting angry. It's so irritating for SPs to see them. Oh, that’s why they don’t attend the “internal meeting”! Obviously they don’t find any meaning in attending it as they feel that they are excluded anyways. They don’t feel comfortable attending the meeting and disturbing its atmosphere, and they are not required to attend it anyways. Its like the character of “No-face” in the anime “Spirited Away” by Hayao Miyazaki.


So called SP (1)


The origin of so-called “shadowy personalities” in patients with dissociative disorders

While engaging in clinical practices with those who have dissociative identity disorder, we quite often encounter a type of personality states with frequent display of aggressiveness and/or self-destructiveness. It typically shows difficulty in being identified or “located”, as their appearance is rather unpredictable and their name is often unknown. The patient (or his/her main personality, rather) states that unlike other parts of personalities with their identifying name and their respective profileshe/she does not have any first-hand knowledge about that type of personality state.
 In this communication, I would like to call this type of personalities “SP (shadowy personality)” as it is often the way the patients describe it, with an implication that it is not quite tangible, and it often takes a shape of just a shadow or grayish substance. Some patients literally call it a “shadow” or “shadow-like”, and others refer to them as dark or black figure, without clear countenance or facial expressions.  





精神分析におけるトラウマ理論を論じるうえで、近年目とみに論じられることの多い解離に関する理論に触れておく必要があるだろう。その先導者ともいえるDonnel Stern Phillip Bromberg の著書はすでに邦訳も入手可能である(Stern, D.,2010, Bromberg, 2011) 。
Bromberg によれば、解離は基本的には正常心理においても生じ、それはたとえば物事に夢中になった一意専心のような状態であるが、深刻な解離はトラウマへの反応として位置付けられる。そして従来の精神分析における抑圧は不安に対する反応であり、抑圧理論のみに基づく場合には、患者が葛藤を経験できていないような外傷的な状況でさえ、常に精神機能を組織化しているように考えることになり、それが古典的な分析理論の限界であると論じる。彼の立場からは、葛藤への防衛が必ず解釈により解決するという姿勢そのものもまた問題となる。
Bromberg はまたトラウマを発達上のいわば「連続体」としてのそれ、すなわち「発達トラウマ」としてもとらえる。この発達トラウマはまた、発達早期に親から受け入れられ、必要とされるという体験のそれが欠如することにも関係する。彼はこの主のトラウマ(traumaを、性的虐待や暴力などに代表される、大文字のトラウマ Trauma と区別する。この発達との関連で Bromberg はまた、解離とメンタライゼーションとの関係についても論じ、Peter Fonagy John Allen などの研究者による業績と自分の治療論を非常に近い位置においている。
このように Bromberg の立場は基本的にはトラウマモデル、ないしは欠損モデルのそれであり、そして彼が主として依拠するのは Harry Stuck Sullivan の理論である。すなわち解離において生じるのが Sullivan の概念化した「私でない自己状態 not-me」として概念化されているのである。その意味で、Bromberg ブロンバーグの彼の解離理論はトラウマ理論と対人関係学派との融合というニュアンスがある。
Stern Bromberg の解離の議論に特徴的なのは、その機制をエナクトメントの概念と絡めて論じる点である。エナクトメントは二者的な解離プロセスであり、そこでの解離は患者だけではなく治療者をも包む繭のようなものとして表現される。そしてそれを治療的に扱う分析状況として Bromberg が提唱するのが「安全だが安全すぎない」関係性であるという。つまり早期のトラウマを、痛みを感じながらもう一度生きることを可能にする関係性なのである。Bromberg はまた治療技法のひとつとしてFreud の「自由にただよう注意」(Freud, 1912)に注目する。これは Freud が「強制的な技法」ではない自由な技法として提唱したが、これが患者の言葉の意味を見出すという作業にとってかわることにより、後世の分析家たちにとってはその目的を果たさなかったという。しかし関係精神分析的な「聞き方」とは、「絶えずシフトしていく多重のパースペクティブ」に調律することで、それは両者によるエナクトメントにも向けられるという。
Bromberg の解離理論は、すでに新しい精神分析の行先を見越し、そこに解離と心の理論、愛着、脳科学などがキー概念として統合されることを提唱していることが特徴である。ただ彼が扱う解離は、健忘障壁を伴う精神医学的な「解離性障害」とは異なるという印象を受ける。


最近のトラウマ理論との関連でぜひ触れておきたいのが、「愛着トラウマattachment trauma」の概念である。この概念を提唱しているのが、臨床家でもあり脳科学者でもある Allan Schore 博士である(Schore, 2009)。
Schore は乳児が生後の一年間で、母親と乳児の間できわめて重要なコミュニケーション、彼が言うところの「右脳間でのコミュニケーション」が生じ、そこで精神生物学的な意味での調律が行われるとする。この時期に乳児の大脳皮質は十分発達してはおらず、今後の発達を支える意味でのグラウンドワークが、母子間で行われるのだ。そこでは匂いや音、皮膚感覚などを通して、大脳辺縁系でのコミュニケーションが行われ、乳児の覚醒レベルが維持されていく。そこで大切なのは、刺激が大きすぎず、少なすぎずということであり、母子が情緒的に同期化していることである。もしそれが起きないと、母子間で一種の情緒的な衝突、彼が「間主観的衝突」と呼ぶものが生じ、それが乳児の情緒不安定の成立の妨げにつながる。Schore はこの深刻な事態を愛着トラウマと呼び、その後の様々な情緒的な問題や解離症状につながると論じる。
この愛着トラウマの際に生じる自律神経の過覚醒状態について、Schore はこれを最近の Stephen Porges polyvagal theory Porges, 2001)と関連付ける。この理論によれば、副交感神経系には腹側と背側の二種類があり、腹側迷走神経は、通常の日常体験において働き、適応につながる。しかし極度のストレス下では背側迷走神経という、いわばアラーム信号に匹敵するシステムが働き、低覚醒状態、痛み刺激への無反応性といった解離症状が生じるためのメカニズムが発動するのである。
この Schore の議論の背景にあるのが、精神分析における愛着理論の歴史である。John Bowlby により始まる愛着理論は、Mary Ainsworth (1970) らのストレンジシ・チュエーション・パラダイムの研究を経て愛着のタイプ分けの研究につながったが、その後継者 Mary Main らが新たに提唱したのが、いわゆるタイプ D の愛着である(Main, M., & Solomon, J. ,1986)。このタイプD では非常に興味深いことが起きる。タイプA, B, Cにおいては、ストレンジ・シチュエーションにおいていったん退室した母親が子供の元に戻ってきた際に、子供はしがみついたり、怒ったりという、比較的わかりやすいパターンを示すが、タイプDの子供は混乱と失見当を呈する。Schore は、それを解離性の反応とし、それを愛着トラウマと結び付ける。このパターンを示す子供の親はしばしば虐待的であり、子供にとっては恐ろしい存在なため、子供は親に安心して接近することが出来ない。逆に親から後ずさったり、他人からも距離を置いて壁に向かって行ったりするということが起きるのである。
 このように Schore はトラウマの理論を愛着の失敗ないしは障害としてとらえ、それを上述の解離理論とも結びつけて論じているのである。そして特定の愛着パターンが解離性障害と関係するという所見は、時には理論や予想が先行しやすい分析的なトラウマや解離の議論にかなり確固とした実証的な素地を与えてくれるのだ。

最後に精神分析における最近のトラウマ理論に対する批判的な見方についても触れておこう。Reisner は「トラウマ:誘惑的な仮説」という論文(Reisner, 2003)で、昨今のトラウマ理論への批判を展開する。彼はトラウマ理論においては、トラウマはいわば病原のように取り除かれるべきであり、他方の患者は被害者であり、特別な存在であるというナラティブが支配的になっているとする。そしてその背景には政治的な意図が見えるという。その文脈で Reisner が紹介しているYoung2001)の論文は、DSM-III (1980) の作成委員会において、戦闘兵を犠牲者として扱い、障害者年金を獲得することのできる存在として位置付けるべきとの議論があったという。そしてそのためには「戦争神経症」という診断はふさわしくなく、「トラウマを受けることによる反応」というニュアンスの診断、つまりPTSDが必要であったという。そしてそれがこの概念の大きな成功を生んだのである。
 Reisner は現在のトラウマ理論には、自己愛の問題が絡んでいるという点も指摘している。米国では、トラウマは崇高な位置を得ており、トラウマのサバイバーは権威を与えられ、尊敬のまなざしで見られる傾向にあるという。そしてトラウマの体験は、芸術家や創造者がなかなか得られないものを得ることを可能にし、トラウマストーリーにおいては、被害者は無知で純真であることが期待されている、とする。さらにトラウマの被害者は責任を逃れる事が出来、トラウマの犠牲者は一般大衆に代わって苦しみを背負っているとも論じる。そしてこのような考えの典型として、Davies ら(1994)の次のような文章を引用する。
Reisner は昨今のトラウマ理論が有するこれらの傾向自体が「誘惑的」であるとし、そこへの過剰な加担が精神分析理論の基本的な精神である無意識の意識化、ないしは洞察の獲得は異なる方向性を示していることに懸念を表明している。




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