
ICD-11における解離性障害の分類 8


6B16  Partial dissociative identity disorder      部分的解離性同一性障害

One personality state is dominant and normally functions in daily life (e.g., parenting, work), but is intruded upon by one or more non-dominant personality states (dissociative intrusions). These intrusions may be cognitive (intruding thoughts), affective (intruding affects such as fear, anger, or shame), perceptual (e.g., intruding voices fleeting visual perceptions, sensations such as being touched), motor (e.g., involuntary movements of an arm), or behavioral (e.g., an action that lacks a sense of agency or ownership). These experiences are experienced as interfering with the functioning of the dominant personality state and are typically aversive.

·   被配的な人格状態は、意識や、他者や環境と交流する機能の執行権を、日常の特定の側面の行為(例えば養育や仕事)を行うほどには、繰り返し獲得することはない。しかし時には、特定の人格状態が限定された行動(例えば極度の感情的な状態や自傷のエピソードの最中や外傷的な記憶の再演への反応として)を行うための執行権を得るような、時々の、限定された、一過性のエピソードがある。
·         The non-dominant personality states do not recurrently take executive control of the individual’s consciousness and functioning to the extent that they perform in specific aspects of daily life (e.g., parenting, work). However, there may be occasional, limited and transient episodes in which a distinct personality state assumes executive control to engage in circumscribed behaviours (e.g., in response to extreme emotional states or during episodes of self-harm or the reenactment of traumatic memories).