
解離と他者性 3


Although this may not be initially apparent, most of the time the angry parts and those modeled after the abuser all function protectively at the deepest level. These parts live in the past and they are protecting the person from behaving in ways that would have been dangerous in the past. (P.62).
'I bet you were very much able to make her behave perfectly in that family of hers. She should be very appreciative for all the help you gave her. I think she really needed your help."(「あなたは主人格が家で完璧にふるまえるようにできるでしょうね。彼女はあなたに感謝しなくてはね。」) するとジャニスの返事は、 "Yes. I was pretty good at that. But she is still just a piece of crap and deserved everything that she got.そうよ、でも彼女はその様に扱われるだけのダメ人間だわ" But soon afterward, she was able to appear protectively in situations when the patient was the object of someone else's aggression. In time, the patient was able to recognize simply that she was angry without E's appearance.主人格はピンチな場面で黒幕さんに助けられ、そのうち黒幕さんがいなくても怒りを体験できるようになる。しかし黒幕は全然保護的でない場合もある(Blizard, 1997; Bryant, Kessler, & Shirar, 1996; Rosenfeld, 1971)Howell 先生はその様な場合もしっかりあることを認めて、犯罪行為を働いた黒幕さんがいる患者さんに自首することを勧めたと書かれている。Working with these parts is much more difficult. Curtis (1997) reported on a patient with whom he had been working who had a psychopathic part who committed a serious crime. Since the whole of him was not psychopathic, he reported this to his therapist and then turned himself in to the police.
Howell さんは、」「黒幕さんたちは結局は主人格の味方である」と言う一方的な見解に陥っていないという点は頼もしい。しかしやはり力動的、防衛的な考え方がその基礎にあるようだ。