
解釈と共感 書き直し ①、大文字のD書き直し ①


▼「共感と解釈」について― 本当に解釈は必要なのか?

あるクライエントAさんに対する前分析家の解釈は、(中略) を戒める形となった。
いったい解釈を求めるという分析家の試みはどういう意味をこのAさんにもたらしたかを考えると目を覆うばかりである。もちろんこれはいい解釈ではない、といえないことはない。では普通の能力を持った、平均的で常識な分析家は、good enough な解釈をどれほど提供することが出来ているのだろうか?

大文字のD 書き直し ①

Toward the theory of “Dissociation with capital D”


Relationship between psychoanalysis and dissociation has a very long and checkered history. Its origin obviously goes back to Freud. Already when he was working on the Studies of Hysteria (1895) with Joseph Breuer, he was dissatisfied with his co-author’s notion of “hypnoid states”, and pivoted toward the theory of repression and libido theory. What he abandoned later was not only his so-called seduction theory, but his opportunities to become familiar and work with patients with experiences of atrocious and traumatic life history.
 Freud's tendency of paying relatively less attention to trauma and dissociation did not satisfy his contemporary Ferenczi, and leading analysts of the day, such as Fairbairn,  Balint and Winnicott, who opted their ways a little more in favor of trauma and dissociation compared to their great master. These analysts used the term and the notion of "dissociation," but it never was accepted to the mainstream of psychoanalysis and that still holds true on our age. Further down the road, it was H.S. Sullivan who picked the notion, but his theory of dissociation was not given much credit. Recently, there is a new trend in the discussion of the notion of dissociation, which is lead by prominent authors such as P. Bromberg and D. Stern. What I would like to attempt in this paper is to give some additional view to the general trend of their discussion, which I call as the theory of “Dissociation with capital D”.
Before going into discussion any further, I would like to introduce a short vignette in order to make my purpose of writing this paper clear.