
続・脳科学と心の臨床 (67)





No Title (7)
Analytic training implicates patients. Like any other training for the jobs which handle customers and clients, ordinary patients are “used” in order for an analytic trainee to develop his/her skills. Some unfortunate patients are, in a sense, victims of the inadequacy of the novice trainees’ clinical experiences. I do not think that this system is bad. It is necessary. The question was, “Is there anyone who are patient enough (or needy enough?) to bear with me as his/her analyst?” In order to become a fully trained analyst, I need not one, or two, but three cases of that sort. How could it be possible??
 During my residency training, I needed cases of psychotherapy who visit with me, once or twice a week for psychotherapy sessions. I learned how it is tough for a foreigner with multiple handicaps to keep cases.
There is another hurdle that I needed to get rid of in order to be able to even start looking for analytic cases. It was the visa issue. When I became eligible to take analytic cases, I asked my supervisor if it is OK for me to go on in the training with my J1 (research fellow) visa. J1 has many restrictions including notorious “two-year-rule” that requires the holders to go back to their home country and wait for two years until he/she has a chance to apply for the continuation of J1 status. I took many hours for me to make sure that this would not be a problem for me to stay in the US and move onto the analytic training after I finish my residency training, but I just wanted to make sure with my supervisor that it is also their understanding. Unsure about this visa issue which never was a problem for foreign medical graduates who attempted to be in a training program, he took it up to the upper committee called “training committee”, which somehow decided that I should not start analytic cases until I get a green card (permanent visa) !! I realized that I created another, probably the biggest obstacle that I needed to clear before I move on in the analytic training. Many, many foreigners in the US seek to obtain the green card, and it is just with a sheer luck that they get one…